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Famous Scouts


Famous Eagle Scouts

It is interesting to know that several influential people in the world earned the Eagle Scout award. Below is a list of "famous Eagle Scouts."

Bill Alexander - United States Representative, Arkansas
Gary L. Anderson - United States Representative, New York
Neil Armstrong - Astronaut, First Man on the Moon, from Wapakoneta, OH
Charles E. Bennett - United States Representative, Florida
William Bennett - Former Secretary of Education
Lloyd Bentsen, Jr. - Former Secretary of Treasury
Bill Bradley - Professional Basketball Star and United States Senator, NJ
James Brady - Press Secretary to President Ronald Reagan
Milton A. Caniff - Comic Strip Artist "Steve Canyon"
John W. Creighton, Jr. - President & CEO of Weyerhaeuser Company
William E. Dannemeyer - United States Representative, California
William DeVries - MD, Transplanted First Artificial Heart
Michael Dukakis - Former Governor of Massachusetts (Democratic Presidential Candidate 1988)
Arthur Eldred - First Eagle Scout
Gerald Ford - United States President (1st Eagle to be President), “Junior” Ford of Troop 15, Grand Rapids, MI in 1927, 26 Merit Badges - including Civics, “Boy Scouts was invaluable in shaping my life.”
Michael Kahn - Academy Award-Winning Film Editor
John Koncak - Former Basketball Player, Center, Atlanta Hawks
James Lovell - Navy Pilot and Astronaut, President of NASA. Flew on Gemini 7, 12 & Apollo 8, 13 At one time had seen more sunrises than any other human being.
Richard Lugar - United States Senator, Indiana (Presidential Candidate 1996)
J. Willard Marriott, Jr. - President Marriott Corporation
Sam Nunn - United States Senator, Georgia
Ellison Onizuka - Astronaut aboard the space shuttle Challenger
H. Ross Perot - Self-made billionaire and Presidential Candidate
J. J. Pickle - United States Rep from Texas, proudly displays his Eagle plaque inside his office
Samuel R. Pierce - Former Secretary of Housing & Urban Development
Harrison Salisbury - Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author
William Sessions - Former FBI Director
Steven Spielberg - Movie Producer, from Scottsdale, Arizona, made a movie of his troop while getting Photography MB. Helped to design requirements for the Cinematography MB.
Wallace Stegner - Writer and College Professor, Won Pulitzer Prize in 1972 for “Angle of Repose”
Percy Sutton - Attorney, Chairman of the Board of City Broadcasting Corporation
John Tesh - Television Celebrity and Pianist
Sam Walton - Founder of Wal-Mart, Sam’s Wholesale Clubs

Eagle Facts

Only 1.2 million boys have reached Eagle in over 80 years (15000 a year, roughly). Only 2 in 100 that joins Scouts make Eagle - that's 0.5% of the male population.

Famous Scouts, but not Eagles

Henry Aaron - Baseball Player, All-Time Home Run King, Hall of Fame
Richard Dean Anderson - Actor, Taught Reptile Study
Charles F. Barber - CEO of American Smelting & Refining
Bill Clinton - Cub Scout, 47th President of United States
Harrison Ford - Actor “Indiana Jones”, Life Scout, Taught Reptile Study
Bill Gates - Founder of Microsoft Corporation, Life Scout
David Hartman - Television Personality
John F. Kennedy - First United States President who was a Scout
Branford Marsalis - Jazz Musician, Life Scout
Merlin Olson - Professional Football Player and Sportscaster
Eddie Rabbitt - Country & Western Singer
John Ritter - Actor, Son of Singer Tex Ritter
Richard Roundtree - Actor
Nolan Ryan - Professional  Baseball Pitcher, Hall of Fame
Alberto Salazar - 3 Time Winner New York Marathon, Life Scout
James Stewart - Actor, USAF B. General, B-17 Pilot in World War II
Joe Theisman - Former Quarterback, Washington Redskins, Hall of Fame, Life Scout

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